Thanks for visiting my Blog about “how to capture beautiful newborn photography”. To be a successful photographer you must follow few tips. I learned it in a heard way as I had no one to teach but for you guys have me. Here is my five tips for taking beautiful newborn photography.
1 Make sure the baby is really newborn. I mean literally under 15 or maximum 20 days old. If the baby is more than three weeks it is very difficult to take steady pictures as newborn tend to move a lot after three weeks. Also, you can not wrap the baby as bigger babies don’t like wrapping somehow and tend to fight.
2 Make sure you have strobe light with big soft box. No shortcut will work with lighting.
3 Use lenses with bigger aperture between 1.2 to 1.8.
4 Make environment calm and warm. It is very important to make baby comfortable else it will not settle down.
5 Please do good composition. What I mean is make a good flowery background or some thing interesting. Place the baby in cute buckets, beds etc. make it look good beforehand the session.
6 Editing is key. Please do research about newborn editing and try to mimic.
7 It is very important to keep trying again and again as this experience could be frustrating at the beginning. You guys can try on small dolls at the beginning.
8 Make sure mom understands that baby is safe in your hand. In my experience new moms could be really insecure and needs lots of assurance to trust you.
Hope it helps you folks.